My first paper

My first paper is now published. It has been more than four years since I started on this project and I am thrilled to see its fruition.

I remember asking myself this question in the year leading up to A levels: if I have only one year of life left, would I still want to work on this project? The answer was yes. As workaholic as it may sound, I hope my life could be part of some bigger cause - like improving the diagnosis of genetic diseases in this case. I guess this would be a good rule-of-thumb for me: the only reason to do something is that it adds meaning to life.

What I said after Singapore Science and Engineering Fair 2018 still resonates: the biggest takeaway from the journey so far is perhaps, what matters most in the end is not the results, but the passion and people around. In this way, regardless what the results are, one person will have no regret for they never harm their own or others’ lives, and no fear for the future because the passion and people are still accompanying them for the challenges ahead.

Really really grateful for all my mentors, teachers, friends & family who support me directly and indirectly throughout my research journey, which has by no means ended.


Personalizing medicine
